In the transport industry, the container is an essential “tool” for the transport of goods. In this article, we are going to review the Different types of shipping containers on the market.
Although their dimensions have been standardized internationally, containers come in different aspects (Shapes and sizes).
Knowing its types of containers gives you a head start and a better chance of making the right business decisions for your business.

Different Types of Shipping Containers.
- Standard container
- Refrigerated container
- Double door container
- Open top container
- Wide pallet
- Flat rack
- Side door container
- Hardtop container
- Tank Container
- Single-use container
- Insulated container
Standard containers:
The types of containers mean [Shipping – Freight – Dimensions – Equipment].
Aluminum containers have a slightly higher payload. In general, the containers are airtight and waterproof, which prevents damage from the outside.
Despite the standardized sizes of the 6 and 12-meter containers, their capacities vary. They can carry the majority of dry goods such as boxes, pallets, bags, barrels, etc.
They can be customized inside to carry a specific type of cargo. Since standard containers are not expensive. They are basic actually. Companies like Idowaz use such types of containers.
Refrigerated containers.
In order to transport goods that must be kept at a certain temperature, companies will use refrigerated containers.
These have a floor that sends refrigerated air and therefore guarantees constant air circulation between the goods.
They can maintain any temperature between -30 ° C to +30 ° C, so they can easily transport sensitive items such as meat, medicines, fruits or vegetables, etc.
Each item has different temperature needs and must be maintained to preserve its freshness.
It is powered by a generator that provides electricity, but its use is very expensive, given the need for electricity and maintenance.
Double door containers.
As the name suggests, this container has two doors that open outward from both sides. Its use is very convenient for loading or unloading a container.
This is because of the fact that both sides of the container open to make it possible to load or unload quickly from either end, as required.
For example, a loaded car can just pass through and does not need to be reversed.
The container can be customized according to the customer’s storage needs. It can be divided to create different locations.
Open containers.
They do not have a solid roof which facilitates the arrival of too large cargoes which will have difficulty in entering conventional shipping containers.
Their roofs being covered with tarpaulins, they have a greater storage capacity than normal containers.
Their prices are usually higher because there are not many units in circulation in the market.
The most common items loaded into an open-top container are pipes, cables, building materials, machinery, and bulky raw materials.
Wide pallet container.
These containers have been designed specifically to transport the Euro wooden pallets which are commonly used in Europe.
A 6-meter container will easily be able to carry 11 pallets of 1200x800x144 dimensions, while a 12-meter container will be able to carry 15.
This is possible thanks to the width of its containers which are generally five meters wider than standard containers.
Large containers like pallets keep the cargo tight, so there is virtually no risk of the cargo slipping. As you can see, this type of container is designed to measure exactly two Euro-pallets in width.
In comparison, the standard container can only carry one.
Flat containers.
In order to facilitate the routing of larger items (buses, pipes, etc.) tray containers have a closed side only on the short ends.
This very practical arrangement offers the possibility of placing loads larger than the container.
They have a resistance capacity of up to 40,000 – 50,000 kilograms if the loads are well distributed.
However, this new generation of containers has a major flaw, the space it occupies on a container ship. If cargo is too heavy or too large, stacking will not be possible.
Side door containers
As the name suggests these containers have side doors. It can be shipped and have a higher top load, as they are often of stronger construction.
In general, there are two types of such containers. One can be folded, in this case, it facilitates the shipment of empty containers.
The other has a very large load, because they are built more solidly, but can also be shipped. Just like open-top containers, side door containers are also special.
Hardtop containers.
Very similar to open containers, they have a detachable steel roof instead of a tarpaulin.
In order to more easily unload/load the various goods, they have points by which a forklift can lift the roof.
Tank containers.
Very easily recognizable, its containers look more like a cylinder than a rectangular box. Usually made of resistant steel and anti-corrosion materials, they guarantee the protection of liquid materials during transport.
Like any other type of container, tank containers come in different shapes and sizes. Here are the dimensions of a 6-meter tank container.
It is important to remember some important rules when transporting liquid:
80% of the tanker must be full: liquids cannot escape during transport.
The container must not be filled to more than 95%: space must be left for thermal expansion.
A tank container can typically carry 26,000 liters depending on its size.
Single-use containers.
Single-use containers can be of any type, what sets them apart from all the rest is that they only make one trip before being sold.
This is the journey on which they are shipped from the manufacturer to the owner. By purchasing a single-use container they will be of better quality and will last longer.
They give you the opportunity to make a capital gain, but when buying, the price will be higher.
Insulated Container (ISO Sea Containers).
Specially designed for transporting liquids or gases, ISO tanks/containers can hold bulk cargo ranging from perishable liquids such as oil or wine to hazardous substances.
Additional requirements will have to be met when transporting hazardous substances in ISO tanks.
ISO tanks combine many advantages, it is based on a structure that can be adjusted according to its dimensions.
It is also coated with an insulating material that protects it from the cargo it is carrying. In addition, they are one of the most efficient intermodal transportation methods for bulk cargo.
They are safer, offer more flexibility, are more environmentally friendly, and are relatively less expensive than other options such as OTR tankers.
This is all about Different types of shipping containers.