Read more about the article Different Types of Shipping Containers
Different types of shipping containers - Idowaz

Different Types of Shipping Containers

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In the transport industry, the container is an essential “tool” for the transport of goods. In this article, we are going to review the Different types of shipping containers on the market.


Read more about the article How to start your own taxi Business
How to start your own taxi business - Idowaz

How to start your own taxi Business

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Wondering How to start your own taxi business? Truth be told, you are not the only person wondering this. Many people consider starting a taxi service to be the ultimate business.


Read more about the article Can a women-only ride-sharing service be revolutionary?
Can a women-only ride-sharing service be revolutionary - Idowaz

Can a women-only ride-sharing service be revolutionary?

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This has always been debatable content to offer specific services for a woman. There are a thousand types of concerns related to this. One of them is Can a women-only ride-sharing service be revolutionary?


Read more about the article What does CMR Mean in transport?
What does CMR mean in transport - Idowaz

What does CMR Mean in transport?

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Whenever there is any talk of agreement in shipping then one question comes that what does CMR mean in transport?

CMR: CMR is the acronym for the “Convention Merchandise Router”. It is an international agreement for contracts of transport in road transport.


Read more about the article What are customer satisfaction metrics?
What are customer satisfaction metrics - Idowaz

What are customer satisfaction metrics?

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For any industry, customer satisfaction is necessary for a business to be sustainable. So let’s begin with “What are customer satisfaction metrics“.


Read more about the article How to Run a Successful Taxi Business
How to Run a Successful Taxi Business - Idowaz

How to Run a Successful Taxi Business

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A detailed business plan for a taxi company should start with a taxi company’s objective, missions, and accomplishments, highlights, description of the company, and a detailed strategy for achieving its objectives. So let’s start with “How to Run a Successful Taxi Business”.


Read more about the article Reasons to Hire a Taxi Driver
Reasons to hire a taxi driver

Reasons to Hire a Taxi Driver

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The World is progressing so intensively that barely one get time for anything. Though the world is becoming a global village, however, we spend a lot of time in travel.


Benefits of Sharing a Ride

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An Idowaz initiative, Ride-sharing demand is increasing day by day over the years. The concept of ride-sharing is accepted worldwide. If we talk about statistics of sharing a ride, in 2014, 1.1 million rides were being requested every week.
